Did you  know anything about MALL? 

MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning).
Mobile  phones  are  the most powerful means of communication . Оn average, every person look at his phone 10 times an hour. It makes sense to start using mobiles in learning, instead of wasting your time surfing the Internet.MALL gives opportunities for learners and teachers to get or transfer information in various ways and also to have some kind of interactivities during the process. Also I'd like to say a few words about QR  codes. QR codes have become common in consumer advertising. Typically, a smartphone is used as a QR code scanner, displaying the code and converting it to some useful form.

You may use QR codes like:

reading toolls
a news column
a source of additional information
a educational quest

Also I'd like to say a few words about Quizlet.

Quizlet is a free service that makes it easy to remember any information that can be presented in the form of study cards. All you need to do is search the database or create interactive material – your own flashcards, adding pictures and audio files to them, and then perform exercises and play games to remember this material.To log in to the service, you must register or log in via Google or Facebook.In Quizlet, you can send students a link to the module/course, or they can find them by the name of the teacher.

Link to the cards which I created  by myself:



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